Dear Friends -
We hope that you have had a most wonderful Christmas and that 2024 is a bountiful year for you and your families! Please remember to join us for our next First Sunday gathering on February 4th at 3pm! As in years past, this gathering has a Scottish theme and we will enjoy some very amateur Highland Games (more info below) in honor of the beloved poet Robert Burns, whom the world - especially Scotland - remembers this time of year. To that end, we invite all men and boys to don a kilt and everyone to sport their tartan of choice if possible! We'll celebrate the brave spirit of the Scottish in poetry and song as well. As always, bring a rosary and a dish (Scottish food is welcomed!) to share, leave the electronics behind and dress modestly, and come prepared for a festive day of prayer, feasting, good company, good-natured competition, and music around the bonfire with s'mores!
February is the month of the Holy Family. May we strive to model after Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the work, play, joys, and sorrows of our daily lives!
*Also take note - we will forego our pre-Lent Carnival gathering this year as Easter comes early. Instead, we will have two gatherings in April, one for Easter with a Carnival theme on the first Sunday of April and one for the St. George Festival on April 21st. So, come see us soon before our break for Lent!
Please let us know if you can make it, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
We hope that you have had a most wonderful Christmas and that 2024 is a bountiful year for you and your families! Please remember to join us for our next First Sunday gathering on February 4th at 3pm! As in years past, this gathering has a Scottish theme and we will enjoy some very amateur Highland Games (more info below) in honor of the beloved poet Robert Burns, whom the world - especially Scotland - remembers this time of year. To that end, we invite all men and boys to don a kilt and everyone to sport their tartan of choice if possible! We'll celebrate the brave spirit of the Scottish in poetry and song as well. As always, bring a rosary and a dish (Scottish food is welcomed!) to share, leave the electronics behind and dress modestly, and come prepared for a festive day of prayer, feasting, good company, good-natured competition, and music around the bonfire with s'mores!
February is the month of the Holy Family. May we strive to model after Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the work, play, joys, and sorrows of our daily lives!
*Also take note - we will forego our pre-Lent Carnival gathering this year as Easter comes early. Instead, we will have two gatherings in April, one for Easter with a Carnival theme on the first Sunday of April and one for the St. George Festival on April 21st. So, come see us soon before our break for Lent!
Please let us know if you can make it, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
3:00 - Festival begins
3:30 - Recitation of the holy Rosary
4:00 - Scottish Potluck feast
4:45 - Highland Games
6:00 - Angelus, bonfire, s'mores, and Scottish MUSIC!
What is Rock Toss?
Allow William Wallace and Hamish to demonstrate Rock Toss.
3:00 - Festival begins
3:30 - Recitation of the holy Rosary
4:00 - Scottish Potluck feast
4:45 - Highland Games
6:00 - Angelus, bonfire, s'mores, and Scottish MUSIC!
- Lads only. Lassies, please cheer us on.
- Three weight categories: up to 75lbs, 76-150lbs, and 151lbs+
- Two events: Rock Toss and Caber Toss
- Archery will break a tie
What is Rock Toss?
Allow William Wallace and Hamish to demonstrate Rock Toss.
What is Caber Toss?
Here are some portly lads demonstrating Caber Toss.
Please pray that good weather will bless our gathering, and we look forward to seeing you for another wonderful time at Fatima Farm!
Ad Iesvm per Mariam,
Michael & Linda
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